Paper Submission
Authors of accepted "extended abstracts" are invited to submit a paper via online ConfTool system on or before
8 Jun 2018 (23:59 Hong Kong local time). A paper should be prepared according to the template and the following instructions, otherwise the contribution will not be accepted to be published in the conference proceedings.
Extended Abstract accepted as 2-page SHORT PAPER (Final Version)
Author who is invited to submit short paper should revise his/her extended abstract by inserting author's information, adding an abstract of 100-200 words and making any changes upon reviewers' comments by 8 June 2018. Short paper should be in 2 pages including all references and illustrations. After submission, its presentation type (oral or poster presentation) will then be decided and announced in September 2018.
Download here for the template for short paper submission (final version).
Submission instructions for short paper:
Step 1: Log in to your ConfTool account at
Step 2: Go to "Your submission". Here you will find the short paper which has a 3-digit id number (same as the extended abstract id) under the submission type "Short Paper Submission - Revised Extended Abstract".
Step 3: Click
on "Edit Contribution Details" to input an abstract of 100-200 words. Ensure consistency of "Title" and "Abstract" on this page with the uploaded files. You may also add or edit the names and affiliations of the authors if necessary. Remember to click on "Save Data" to complete the input and it will take you back to "Your submission" page.
Step 4: Click on
"Final Upload" to upload the final version of your short paper in both word and PDF format. Your uploaded files should be renamed with the paper id and the full name of submitting author (e.g. 102-Albert Einstein.doc).
Step 5: Complete the electronic copyright form by clicking on a check box during the submission.
Step 6: An email confirmation will be sent to your registered email.
Step 7:
You may upload a newer one until the submission deadline by repeating the above process. The last uploaded version at the time of submission deadline will be considered.
Extended Abstract Accepted as 6-page LONG PAPER (First Submission)
Author who is invited to submit long paper should write and submit a paper based on the accepted abstract and reviewers' comments by 8 June 2018. The submitted file should be in 6 pages including all references and illustrations. As the selection of initial long paper follows a double-blind review, no authors' information is allowed in the uploaded files. After submission, authors will be notified by 15 July 2018 for submitting the final version of long papers upon reviewers' comments. Details for final long paper submission will be confirmed later.
Download here for the template for initial long paper submission (first submission)
Submission instructions for initial long paper:
Step 1: Log in to your ConfTool account at
Step 2: Go to "Your submission". Here you will find the long paper which has been accepted with a 4-digit id number (eg.1***) under the submission type "Long Paper Submission".
Step 3: Click
on "Edit Contribution Details" to input an abstract of 100-200 words. Ensure consistency of "Title" and "Abstract" on this page with the uploaded files. You may also add or edit the names and affiliations of the authors if necessary. Remember to click on "Save Data" to complete the input and it will take you back to "Your submission" page.
Step 4: Click on
"Upload Contribution" to upload your initial long paper in both word and PDF format. Your uploaded files should be renamed with the paper id and the full name of submitting author (e.g. 1020-Albert Einstein.doc).
Step 5:
You may upload a newer one until the submission deadline by repeating the above process. The last uploaded version at the time of submission deadline will be considered.
Deadline for final short / initial long paper submission: 8 Jun 2018
Initial long paper comment: 23 Jul 2018
Deadline for final long paper submission: 26 Aug 2018
Announcement of oral presentations to authors: 3 Sep 2018
Registration opens: early Sep 2018
Jeffrey Cook Student Travel Scholarships to PLEA
In honor of the late Jeffrey Cook, SBSE plans to award up to four $1000 travel scholarships to support students presenting papers at the 2018 PLEA Conference.
Initial application deadline is 31 May 2018. Please click here for application details. |