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Reconstruction of New Bud Primary School at Xiasi village



The tremendous loss of life and property caused by the 5.12 Sichuan Wenchuan Earthquake reveals the absence of decent structural design and adequate monitoring of the construction process in the region. Reconstruction has been difficult and a large number of temporary shelters that are neither durable nor thermally comfortable have been built in an attempt to meet the urgent needs of those affected. These shelters, when demolished later, will give rise to new construction waste.

A research team led by Prof. Zhu Jingxiang has developed an integrated light-structure system for the reconstruction of New Bud Primary School at Xiasi village in Sichuan's Jiange County. The old building suffered serious damage in the earthquake, so its students had to walk for an hour to attend classes in another school. With the support of the Hong Kong Dragon Culture Charity Fund and the CUHK New Asia Sichuan Redevelopment Fund, the new school was completed in just two weeks and has been in operation since September. The building is safe and durable, and the cost of construction is low. It also looks attractive and features good thermal performance and a high energy-saving capacity.


Location: Xiasi Village, Jiange County, Sichuan Province, China

Date: 2008-2009

Site area: approx. 1,700 m2

Building type: education


Project architects and key team members: ZHU Jingxiang, XIA Heng.

Sponsor: Hong Kong Dragon Culture Charity Fund and the CUHK New Asia Sichuan Redevelopment Fund


Click to view more photos and drawings


Research and publication:

- Press release: CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office

-ZHU Jingxiang.(2011).Alternative Pattern in Post-quake Reconstruction of Wenchuan: Building Xinya Elementary School of Jiange Xiasi in Guangyuan by the New-typed System.Architectural Journal,4,70-75.

-ZHU Jingxiang.(2011).The Formation of New Bud Schools.Time+Architecture,2,46-53.