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Project Site @ Pingtan Primary School, Gaobu Village, Tongdao County, Hunan Provinces, China

Project Background

After the completion of the “Book House” project in Dong Minority village of Gaobu (Dec 2018), Prof. Peter W. Ferretto was contacted by the Pingtan primary school, another Dong village further downstream from Gaobu, that serves as the main educational hub for many nearby villages, accommodating close to 400 children between the ages of 3-12. The Principal of the School wondered whether a “Book House” library model could be developed for his school, which now has very basic library. He was very interested in how the Gaobu project design retains the traditional vernacular architectural language that is missing in his campus.

The Pingtan Primary School, is a courtyard complex of concrete buildings built around a central courtyard/playground. None of the existing buildings are related to Dong traditional architecture and is generally in a poor state of disrepair. The premise has a vacant plot that today houses a temporary shed that the principle believes would be a good site for small timber library.

For more project details, please click here.

Click here to read relevent newspaper clipping and here to see the report published on SPACE Academia.





The project was bestowed various internal and local awards, including:

- DFA Design for Asia Award Grand Award

- World Architecture Festival Awards 2022

  • INSIDE World Interior of the Year Winner 2022
  • INSIDE: Education (category winner)
  • Best Use of Natural Light Prize winner



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