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Conference Fees:
HKD1200 (HKD600 for students)

Online registration for all participants is now open through the link below:

We accept Visa and Master card. If you experience any problem, please contact our conference secretariat Ms. Kam at ah_kam@cuhk.edu.hk or tel: +852-39436557

Registration of presenting authors:
All authors accepted for presentation must register and pay the conference fees before 23 September 2012 in order to confirm their presentation. Failure to do so may result in losing your presentation slot.

Please fill in your accepted paper title in the registration.

Registration of other participants:
Please tick NO under the question: whether you are presenting a paper in the registration.  

Conference Hotel:
Please note that accommodation and transportation will be the responsibility of the participants.

Upon the registration being processed successfully, participants will receive an e-mail which includes a link for hotel booking with the conference rate for Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin Hotel. It will be the participants’ responsibility to book the conference hotel following the instruction of the link provided.

This hotel is very popular due to its walking distinct from the Chinese University; we strongly suggest all participants to proceed with the registration as soon as possible if this conference hotel is the top choice of the participants.