Bridge to China (Apr 07 - Aug 13)
• Researchers: NG Yan Yung, MU Jun
• Funding source: Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation

By mobilizing university student and volunteers to actualize Wu Zhi Qiao bridge building and village development projects, Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation (WZQCF) aim to: 1. Integrate Hong Kong into the Mainland China by encouraging young generations to help the needy in the motherland, and building a spiritual bridge with love, appreciation and mutual understanding through an inter-university initiative; 2. Improve livelihood of the poor from remote rural areas with urgent bridge-building needs; 3. Inspire appreciation, respect and preservation of local culture and ecological environment, promote and enhance sustainability. Wu Zhi Qiao project is a social service and project-based learning opportunity by giving Hong Kong and Mainland university students the chance to set foot into the remote rural villages, build physical bridges and facilities for villagers in need, and build spiritual bridges of love and care. Under the supervision of university staff, student volunteer teams not only need to understand local culture and environment, find resources locally, and adhere to design principles such as using sustainable materials and the concept of environmental protection while constructing the bridge; but they have to work hand in hand with the local villagers and transfer relevant skills and knowledge, in order for the locals to undertake any maintenance work themselves in future. (ED09802)