Term Consultancy for Provision of Advisory Services - Cat. A - Term Consultancy for Expert Evaluation and Advisory Services on Air Ventilation Assessment (PLN AVA 2015) (13 Nov 15 - 30 Sep 20)
• Researchers: NG Yan Yung, HO Justin, FUNG Chi Hung Jimmy, REN Chao
• Funding Amount: HK$590,000
• Funding source: Planning Department, HKSAR Government

Urban Ventilation, air quality and planning development is a topical issue in Hong Kong. Planning Department of HKSAR has recently launched the Air Ventilation Assessment protocol. The protocol was earlier developed by Professor Edward Ng of CUHK. All major government developments and planning exercise in Hong Kong now have to submit evidences that the planning and design does not adversely affect the urban air ventilation of the city. All AVA submissions will be examined by the Planning Department. The team consultancy allows experts to give advices to Planning Department for Air Ventilation Assessment (AVA).