Increasing the Resilience to the Health Impacts of Extreme Weather on Elderly People under Future Climate Change (R4046-18) (27 May 19 - 23 Jun 23)
• Researchers: NG Yan Yung, Kevin LAU, William GOGGINS, Gabriel LAU, Jean WOO, Helene LAM, Patsy CHAU, REN Chao, Yuguo LI, CHOW Tin-Tai, Square FONG, JImmy FUNG
• Funding Amount: HK$500,000
• Funding source: Research Sustainability of Major RGC Funding Schemes 2018-19

This study aims to contribute by: (1) downscaling global climate data to the urban scale for weather information services and health impact assessment; (2) developing a mitigation action plan with better urban planning and building design under extreme weather; and (3) developing an adaptation response plan for supporting services to increase the resilience of elderly people to extreme weather. This study will provide a methodological framework for incorporating the scientific knowledge of extreme weather and its associated impacts on the elderly health and well-being into a comprehensive plan for response actions.

The impact of this study will include:

(1) The findings of the study will help the Hong Kong Observatory transform the current simple weather information system into a more comprehensive one that is capable of reflecting timely conditions of different districts.

(2) Guidance will be developed for urban planners, architects, developers and other professionals in the field to help the industry fully unleash its potential in building towards a sustainable and healthy city under the vision of Hong Kong 2030+. They will fill the current knowledge and awareness gap in the industry.

(3) Current services will be improved by incorporating information provided by the new weather warning system. Housing protocols will be developed to better cater to the elderly’s need under extreme weather. Social workers and volunteers will be trained to take better care of the elderly under such conditions.