Outdoor Thermal Comfort in High-density Urban Areas of Subtropical Cities – A Pilot Study in Hong Kong by using Numerical Modelling of Three-dimensional Radiant Fluxes and Mean Radiant Temperature (1 May 14 - 30 Apr 15)
• Researchers: REN Chao, Kevin LAU
• Funding Amount: HK$61,230
• Funding source: CUHK Research Committee Funding (Direct Grants)

This study employs a numerical model (SOLWEIG - SOlar and LongWave Environmental Irradiance Geometry) to examine the spatial and temporal variations of mean radiant temperature (Tmrt), as an indicator of radiant heat load and outdoor heat stress in high-density sub-tropical urban environment in summer. Findings contribute to the mitigation of thermal discomfort places through street canyon design and the use of vegetation. It also provides a comprehensive understanding about creating a diverse urban thermal environment in order to accommodate individuals’ requirements of thermal comfort.