Development of Guidebook on Urban Micro-climate Study (1 Sep 2016 - 28 Feb 2018)
• Researchers: NG Yan Yung, REN Chao, HO Justin, LEE Ada, CHENG Vincent, LEUNG Andy
• Funding Amount: HK$1,300,000
• Funding source: Hong Kong Green Builidng Council Limited

The main purpose of this study is to draw up guidelines for sustainable building design and neighbourhood planning, taking into account Hong Kong’s micro-climate and its unique built and natural environment. These guidelines should be easily comprehensible and applicable based on scientific understanding of the urban climate of our city.

This study will be based on literature. The scientific achievements of urban climate studies will be reviewed and well understood. The relationship between good micro-climate design and energy use in buildings and urban design will be appreciated based on good practices in Hong Kong and worldwide. Then the design parameters will be investigated and guidelines to each of them will be proposed.

This study intends to offer some commentary to the existing BEAM Plus and recommend possible actions and further studies.